_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
Amongst the rich ones, are those who do not spend their wealth in charity out of miserliness, and they busy themselves with those physical ‘Ibādāt that doesn’t require spending of wealth, like fasting, As-salah, and recitation of the glorious Qur’an.
These people are deceived because miserliness is a destructive vice, and their hearts are filled with it. For them to overcome it, they need to spend their wealth in the path of Allāh because this flaw cannot be censored with just voluntary acts of worship which they busy themselves with.
Therefore, their similitude in this case is as though a person who found a big snake in his cloth. Instead of him to occupy himself on how to get rid of the snake from his cloth, rather, he busied himself with the taking of drugs to cure his bile duct disease.
Amongst them are those who only give out zakāt without giving any sadaqah after it. And they do this for those who will serve them amongst the poor ones or for those they may need their assistance in the future.
Amongst them are those who spend their wealth for the elites so that they may be recognized by those elites and so as to attend to their needs.
All these acts of theirs, shows that their intentions are not pure and they are not sincere in their acts.
Therefore, they are lured because they seek with the worship of Allāh a compensation from others.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*4th Sha’abān,1439H.*