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Worshippers: The Rich Ones 03



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

Amongst the rich ones, are those who are lured by just their mere attendance of the gathering of zikr, and they think that, by this their presence in those sittings, that suffices them from other good actions, thus, they need not bother themselves for other pious acts.

However, the matter is not the presumed, because the importance of such sittings is to encourage them toward good which is the main goal.

And anything that is placed as a means to attain a goal but the goal wasn’t achieved, then the means has not serve its purpose.

The similitude of these people is as though a sick person who was given prescription of drugs by the doctors but refused to take those drugs.

Likewise, it is of similar case to the person who was admonished but was negligent of those admonitions.

Thus, any wa’dh that doesn’t change one’s attribute towards amending one’s bad character, is an evidence against one.

However, if it was said:

What you mentioned of the different ways of deception are things that hardly one can escape from them all.

The answer is:

Know that, the pivot of the affairs of the Hereafter is on the same page, that’s to censor and strengthen the heart, and everyone is capable of attaining this except the one who is not truthful in his intention, for if man will really take heed and give his fullest attention to the affairs of the Hereafter the way he does in the case of the worthless life, he will have surely attain high status and safeguard himself from all the forms of deceptions we mentioned.

For indeed, the pious salaf have attained such status, protect themselves from all the plots of shaitān and those that followed them in righteousness have also done same.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*15th sha’bān,1439H.*




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