Seeking to abrogate it, is an opposition to Allāh and His Messenger
Times and times again, we see Muslims who either born of ignorance or spellblind by the Western Way of Life, distrusting the Laws of Allāh, the Sharī’ah of Islām, or considering it as archaic and joining Movements and Groups that seek to abolish it or eradicate it from the minds of Muslims.
It is the obligation of those possessed of Intellect and Dīn to educate the Ummah and awaken them to the wisdom the Sharī’ah has put into these things.
The Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – once said to Usāmah bn Zayd:
“Whomsoever intercedes to have a Capital Punishment among the Capital Punishments of Allāh rescinded and kept at Bay has argued authority with Allāh and opposed him”
This was recorded by Abū Dāwud Sulaymān As-Sijistānī rahimahullāh in the Sunan
If this is about interceding and seeking that it be suspended for certain persons, what then will be the case for those who seek it’s complete abrogation, or abrogate it, or implement forcefully other than it and persecute those who call for it’s implementation?
Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.