Honored Ones!
Of the greatest errors and misconceptions that are carried today are people thinking that they can make corrections and amend the evils and ills in the society through means that Allah have made Haraam.
Don’t these people know, that one of the conditions for the Inkaar of Munkar is that it be done in accordance with the Shariah? And anything that is done and does not conform with the Shariah of Allah is not accepted?
For this reason, Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said in the Majmu’atu Al-Fataawah:
“Let your Command to Maaruf (Good) be by means of that which is Maaruf and your Inkar (Censoring and correction) of Munkar (that which is wrong and evil) not be by that which is Munkar”
Let the people know that the Din of Allah is not open ended and has been bounded by limits and limitations, conditions and precepts that govern the doings of man.
May we all understand that and beware of it.
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran