The Third: The Protection of the Land and the Preservation of the Realm that People may live their lives and travel in security and peace over their lives and their wealth
The Fourth:The establishment of the Huduud Punishments that the Limits of Allah are not trampled and the Rights of His Servants are not wasted and soiled
The Fifth: The Protection of the Battle frontiers and arming them with Ammunition and weaponry that the enemies may not have their way to trample the sanctities or spill the blood of a Muslim or that of a Dhimmi who is under protection
The Sixth: Waging war upon those who oppose Islam after calling them to it until they become Muslim or enter under Dhimmah (Protection). This that by so doing, the rights of Allah is made predominant over every other Way of Life
The Seventh: the gathering of the Spoils and the Sadaqaat from those whom the Shari’ah has made it obligatory by way of text and in accordance to Ijtihaad without fear or favour