The Pleasure of Allah #4
Honored Ones!
Still on the Pleasure of Allāh,
What brings the pleasure of Allāh?
Becoming a believer in secret and in the open, alliance and love in the Path of Allāh, commanding to what Allāh wants, (the first of which is Tawhīd), forbidding others from what Allāh detests, (the first of which is Shirk), the establishment of Salāt at it’s right time and in it’s right manner, the giving of Zakāh, and the outright and unquestioned unrestricted obedience to Allāh and His Messenger… Tawbah: 71
Hasten to Allāh in all of these things that you may be of those upon whom His Mercy is established and who attain His Pleasure…
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran