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Imaam adh-Dhahabi rahimahullah narrated that

once, someone asked the Taabi’i Imaam Al-Hasan bn Yasaar Al-Basri – rahimahullah – a question and he answered him. Then the asker said: Did the Fuqahaa differ with you on this matter. So, Al-Hasan responded to him by saying:
“You mother may be bereaved of you! You, have you ever seen a Faqih in your life?!!!

Indeed the Faqih is the one who is Zaahid (displays lack of want) of the Dunya; the Ardent Seeker of the Aakhirah; the Sagacious one of the Din; the one who is Constant in the worship of his Lord; the Scrupulous; the one who restrains himself from assasinating the character of the Muslims; the one who shows self-restraint with regards to their wealth (of the Muslims); the one that is Sincere, Caring, Advising and Concerned with the welfare of their congregation (the Ummah); the one who is Unrelenting in his strive in Ibaadah; the one who stands resolutely upon the sunnah of Rasulullah – salallaahu alayhi wasallam -; the one who does not Disregard those who are better than him and does not mock or denigrate those who are below him; and does not take for the knowledge which Allah bestowed on him anything of the Dunya.”
(Ref: Siyar A’laam An-Nubalaa 4/576


Imaam Adh-Dhahabi Ash-Shaafi’i rahimahullah)

O People! This is who the Faqih is, may Allah make us among them, aameen!


Islamnode is a platform for the dissemination of sound Knowledge of Islam and an orientation of Muslims of the Sciences of the Din in accordance with the Pristine Knowledge taught by the Rasul – Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam – to the Companions – Ridwanullah ‘Alayhim – and understood by them, their Students and those who followed them of the earliest generations. We follow the Sunnah of the Rasul – Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam – and promote the Works of the Ulama of Sunnah from the first generation to date. Our goal is to propagate the Sciences of Islam, to disseminate the sound understanding of the Salaf and to enable the sound education of Muslims in this era.

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