Imam Al-Maawardi rahimahullah said in Al-Ahkaamu As-Sultaaniyyah:
“And what is most important for him in the Affairs of the Generality of the People are ten things:
The First: To protect the Din in accordance with its established Principles and in accordance with that which the Salaf of the Ummah have agreed Upon. And if an Innovator becomes apparent, or a misguided person who has some misconception become known, he is responsible to make clear to him the Evidences and explain to him that which is Correct. And he is responsible to hold him by that which is necessary of rights and the limits, that the Din may he preserved from errors and the Ummah protected from straying.
The Second: The implementation of the Law to settle the disputes of those who differ and to decide the matter between those who disagree that the rightful allocations of everyone is attained and no Oppressor gets to oppress nor an Oppressed get trampled upon.